Fairlington United Methodist's

Youth Program.

The mission of our youth ministry is to create a safe and empowering community for our youth to grow in their relationships with God and one another, using our time together to increase their faith, confirm their hope, and perfect them in love.  Our youth program is for 6th through 12th graders and has three key components:  Service, Worship, and Fellowship.  We offer regular Sunday evening programs as well as a variety of missional, worship, and faith development opportunities throughout the year.


Sunday Morning Online Check-ins for youth meet  from 9:30-10:30am throughout the year.  Middle schoolers are introduced to biblical and theological concepts in an active, fast paced, welcoming environment.  High Schoolers will experience a relevant, discussion-based learning experience in their classroom.  When it is safe to do so, Middle schoolers meet in Room 302 and High Schoolers meet in Room 306.


Faith Formation and Fun On various Sunday evenings from 6:00-8:00pm, 6th-12th graders are invited to gather outdoors in a supervised, socially distanced group with facemasks required. We have an evening of faith formation.  Our programs include dinner, games, a learning experience, and worship.  Our learning experiences are tailored to meet the needs of the different age groups, and allow teenagers the opportunity for reflection on how their faith is lived out in the world about them.  Email youth@fairlingtonumc.org  or christian@fairlingtonumc.org for a schedule and permission/health forms.

Our Volunteers: All programs for children and youth are led by trained, loving adults dedicated to sharing their faith with our children. These adults also agree to uphold our Child Protection Policy. Our Child Protection Policy is a comprehensive document outlining the directives in place for protecting our children. All volunteers are required to have a full Background Check completed by a third party. Fairlington UMC is also a participant in the Safe Sanctuaries program, the official child safety program of the United Methodist Church.