Join us for Sunday Worship at 11 AM

Fairlington UMC is an inclusive and diverse community. Regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender, family structure, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic background, political affiliation, physical or mental ability, faith history, or life experience… ALL ARE WELCOME.


  • Announcements & Order of Worship

    Download weekly order of worship and announcements to follow along with online worship and stay up-to-date with everything happening at Fairlington. 



  • Online Worship

    Join us on YouTube for online worship, live Sunday mornings at 11 AM. Or, watch worship on-demand anytime throughout the week. 


  • Live-Stream

    Service of Death and Resurrection

    Marcia Anne MacDonald

    Saturday, Sept. 14 at 11:30AM

    Stream service HERE

  • Furniture delivery volunteers

    We need at least 6 volunteers to help with furniture delivery on the second Saturday of each month. We will meet in the FUMC parking lot at 7:30 AM and will finish up by 1 PM. 

    Sign up here!

  • ALIVE! Pop-Up

    FUMC is continuing our partnership with Alive! by hosting a monthly food distribution pop-up. Every 3rd Saturday of the month we need a team of 10-12 volunteers to hand out food to our neighbors. 

    Sign up to volunteer: 


  • new worship time

    On Sunday, September 8, 2024, we will be returning to our normal Sunday worship time, 11 AM in the sanctuary and online. Sunday School will also resume at 9:30AM.

  • Fairlington Kitchen Renovation Update

    The FUMC Kitchen Team is pleased to report that equipment has begun arriving and is being installed. We are grateful to FUMC member Al Ross’ estate for contributing the original gift amount of $84,852.64! Since that time FUMC has secured a loan in the amount of $300,000. The FUMC pre-school has given a gift of $25,000 and other FUMC members and friends have given a total of $44,704.50 We have a gap of $175,310. We invite you to consider giving a gift in any amount to honor someone or something that has fed your spiritual journey at FUMC. We are excited about continuing and new outreach opportunities the renovated kitchen will support. Select “Renovation Fund” when you give online or note your gift “Kitchen” if you give via check

  • Reconciling Congregation

    Fairlington United Methodist Church proclaims without reservation God’s unconditional love and grace, and affirms the dignity and worth of every person as created in the image of God.  We commit to extend Christ’s gospel hospitality, creating a place of safety and spiritual sanctuary for all people.  Therefore, this community of faith welcomes into membership, participation and leadership all persons regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender, family structure, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic background, political affiliation, physical or mental ability, faith history, or life experience.  We recognize among us differences in theology and biblical interpretation, and covenant to accept, respect, and love one another along our faith journeys. Check out more information on FUMC Reconciling Ministries HERE! 

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