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Everyone is welcome here!

Sunday Worship at 11 AM

Fairlington UMC is an inclusive and diverse community. Regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender, family structure, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic background, political affiliation, physical or mental ability, faith history, or life experience… ALL ARE WELCOME.

What's Happening at Fairlington

You're not alone here at Fairlington United Methodist Church! Dive into a community focused on loving God and loving people. 

Check out some of what's happening in and around Fairlington below.

We are always looking for new volunteers for our missions and ministries. Click HERE for a list of opportunities!

Ash Wednesday

Begin your Lenten journey with us on Ash Wednesday, a time for reflection, prayer, and renewal. In the morning, stop by the church parking lot between 7:30–9 AM to receive ashes and a moment of prayer as you start your day. In the evening, join us in the sanctuary at 7:00 PM for a contemplative Ash Wednesday Taizé Prayer Service, featuring meditative music, scripture, and silence. This special service is offered in partnership with Fairlington Presbyterian and St. Clement Episcopal Churches. All are welcome as we enter this sacred season together.

Comedy night

Don’t pass on this opportunity of fun, food, and fellowship! March 15, also known as the “Ides of March,” at 6PM in the Fellowship Hall for a special fundraiser event. It’s a Comedy Buffet featuring the short form improv stylings of Porkchop Volcano. The cost will be $20 per adult and $10 per child. In honor of the Ides of March, Caesar Salad and “Et Tu” Brewed Tea (and other light beverages) are provided for the buffet, bring your favorite covered dish addition! All proceeds and financial donations received will go towards the Fairlington’s Capital Campaign. 

rise against hunger

Join us in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, March 30 after service to package meals for Rise Against Hunger.  A pizza lunch will be served. We will package nearly 20,000 nutritious, dehydrated meals using an assembly line process to ship to hungry kids and individuals around the world. This event is suited to all ages. Please make a special donation to meet our goal of raising $10,000 to cover meal packaging and shipping costs. Contribute to FUMC by check or online (memo: "Rise Against Hunger"). 


The Hardest Part: Life is this strange, tender mix, isn't it? Joy and sorrow, love and loss, heartbreak and hope, all tangled together. This year, we invite you to embrace Lent as it is- raw, honest, and tender. This is the season that asks us to stop pretending we're holding it all together. It's a time to pause, sit, with what's fragile and unfinished, and let God meet us in the hardest parts of our lives. – Kate Bowler. You are invited to join us this Lent through study and reflection of Kate Bowler’s newest Lent study, The Hardest Part


Participate in FUMC's Food Mission w/ALIVE!: Monthly, 3rd Wednesdays from 4-6:30 PM. 

Furniture Delivery 

Our congregation will be picking up and delivering gently used donated furniture with ALIVE! on Saturday, March 8, from 8 AM - 1 PM. It's a ministry that changes lives. Each piece of furniture delivered represents more than just comfort—it offers dignity, stability, and hope to families who need it most. We need a team of 4-5 people to help.

Fairlington UMC is an inclusive and diverse community. Regardless of age, race, ethnicity, gender, family structure, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic background, political affiliation, physical or mental ability, faith history, or life experience… ALL ARE WELCOME.


Family Dinner Night

Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 5:45 pm - 7:00 pm

“Ides of March” Comedy Night & Buffet

Saturday, March 15, 2025, 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

ALIVE! Furniture Delivery

Second Saturday of the month, 7:30 am - 1:00 pm

Fairlington UMC

3900 King Street Alexandria VA 22302

(703)-671-8557 • office@fairlingtonumc.org

Copyright 2024 FairlingtonUMC. All Rights Reserved.